POI JUGGLINGPoi refers to both a style of performing art. As a performance art, poi involves swinging tethered weights through a variety of rhythmical and geometric patterns. Poi artists may also sing or dance while swinging their poi. Poi can be made from various materials with different handles, weights, and effects (such as fire).
Act length 3mins to 8mins Technical requirements: Ceiling height minimum 12 feet Floor space 15x15 et |
JUGGLINGThe skill of keeping a number of objects in the air at the same time, by continuously throwing and catching the objects. Juggling requires good hand-eye coordination. The performer can use different methods to throw and catch the objects. Examples of objects used for juggling are clubs, rings, balls, scarves, knives, fire clubs, chainsaws, fruit, etc.
Act length 3 to 5mins Technical requirements: Ceiling height minimum 15 feet Floor space 15x15 (static) |
Photos on this page by AlterEgo Photography byBrent McCombs (bottom left), other photographers unknown.
Video footage by Maritime Videographic. Editing by Atlantic Cirque ltd.
Video footage by Maritime Videographic. Editing by Atlantic Cirque ltd.